Friday 16 July 2010

What is good... SHAKESPEARE


Henry VI (Part 1) the play by William Shakespeare

Summary of the plot or story
The story unfolds with the death of King Henry V and his young son takes the throne as Henry VI. Gloucester serves as Lord Protector to guide and advise the young monarch through his early years. Meanwhile, Joan of Arc leads France with the fight against the English. Another quarrel breaks out, this one between Richard Plantagenet, of the House of York, and the Earl of Somerset, of the House of Lancaster. The young King intervenes and restores order and pledges his inheritance to the House of York. The king goes to Paris to be crowned there to act as an inspiration to the English whilst demoralising the French. The English capture two important prisoners, Joan of Arc and Margaret of Anjou. Joan is burnt as witch and a heretic. King Henry, urged by the Earl of Suffolk, marries Margaret of Anjou. The play ends with a self-satisfied Suffolk believing that Margaret will rule the monarch but he will rule both of them giving power to the red rose House of Lancaster.

Information provided
William Shakespeare never published any of his plays and therefore none of the original manuscripts have survived. Eighteen unauthorised versions of his plays were, however, published during his lifetime in quarto editions by unscrupulous publishers (there were no copyright laws protecting Shakespeare and his works during the Elizabethan era). A collection of his works did not appear until 1623 ( a full seven years after Shakespeare's death on April 23, 1616) when two of his fellow actors, John Hemminges and Henry Condell, posthumously recorded his work and published 36 of William’s plays in the First Folio. Some dates are therefore approximate other dates are substantiated by historical events, records of performances and the dates plays appeared in print.

Date first performed
It is believed that the drama was first performed between 1592 and 1593. In the Elizabethan era there was a huge demand for new entertainment and Henry VI (Part 1) would have been produced immediately following the completion of the play.

Date first printed
It is believed that the script was first printed in 1623 as part of the First Folio. As William Shakespeare clearly did not want his work published details of the play would have therefore been noted, and often pirated without his consent, following a performance.

The settings
The settings are London in England and Orleans, Auvergne, Rouen, Paris, Bordeaux in France,

The theme
The play is categorised as a History

Number of words in Henry VI (Part 1)
The number of words in the script, according to the Complete Public Domain Text is 23,171.

Most important characters in Henry VI (Part 1)
The most important characters are:
Henry VI, Joan La Pucelle (Joan of Arc) and Suffolk.

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