Wednesday 21 July 2010


WATER - Secondary research and evaluation

This was defiantly one of the better avenues i researched. I really enjoyed doing the secondary research for this. Water is such a fundamental part of our lives and it has such an impact on us. Some of the most interesting parts were learning about what we actually need to drink to survive and looking at the destruction water can create. Yes that isn't a good thing and im not saying it is, but what is good is having respect for what nature can do and realizing it.
Another interesting aspect i looked at was using water within religion, more specifically baptism's. its good to understand the importance water has to religions as there are so many and understanding a part of each is good, and water within this Christian faith is a big part of what it is. i.e fighting the devil and ridding yourselves of the sins you are born with.
I also really like the animated GOOD:Water series. I love the style that is used to create the videos. They are educational animations with a twist that can engage both adults/teens and kids. With their simple messages and simple illustrations there is nothing complicated to understand and they are expressed in an effective way.

So what next?
I am going to show these animations to young and old and see what their reaction to them is, whether they like them what they like etc and gage the effectiveness of them. I am also going to test the general publics knowledge of water and the effect it has on the body and how much they really think they have to drink.

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