To be honest i got pretty bored of researching Science. its such a huge topic and there are just too many avenues to research and hold my interest. yes there a lot of interesting and good things that have come from science, but from what i found generally all good things come with a negative or bad side effect in some way. Whether it hurts someone or if a drug saves someone's life then its been tested on an animal which a lot of people object to. There is one avenue that i researched but haven't put up yet and that was looking at scientists and their impact on studying gorillas in the wild. They keep those mountain gorillas alive and protect them and study them to help them in the future, and this study has been going on for 40 years. This is a successful side of science with no bad outcomes that i can see.
Dont get me wrong i found a lot of interesting information. But as far as taking it onto primary research i think i am going to leave this one here and spend more time on the subject i really find interesting and engaging and know that i can be more specific. this topic is just too broad.
And as Amber and Fred keep telling me 'be more decisive' so this is me being decisive!
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