Tuesday 17 August 2010

Tolethorpe - Carol King

Carol King Interview - Head of Tolethorpe Youth theater and one of the main directors at Tolethorpe.

I wanted to interview Carol as not only does she work with students from the age of 7 - 20+ she works with the amateur actors as well. Personally I have never performed under Carols directorship but I have them and they are always brilliant. Carol can give me an insight into the world of professional Shakespeare.

Hey Carol, it's been a while since I've seen or spoken to you! thank you for taking the time to talk to me i am extremely grateful, i know you have a lot on!

- Thats not a problem at all Robyn, I hope you're well and your sister too! What can i do for you?

Well I have a couple of questions for you, firstly how responsive are the students to Shakespeare work shops in the Youth group?

- Oh! So responsive, especially the younger ones they thoroughly enjoy the shakespeare work shops. Their interactions with the characters s thrilling to watch. Its very easy to slip into Shakespeare's world and once you're in it it's the most magical thing.

Do you think parent's send their kids to you for the opportunity to learn about Shakespeare or the performing experience?

- Well you can't have one without the other, it's important to perform Shakespeare's plays to understand them. So in my opinion they send them for both.

Who do you think is better at engaging with Shakespeare's plays, the adults or the students?

- They both connect differently. The adults take much more of a rehearsed approach. They already know Shakespeare and relish the chance o perform. Whereas the students throw themselves into it as for them its something new and exciting. Being able to perform outsider seems to add to the atmosphere it gives you something that you wouldn't get on a normal stage. With the students that have been here for a while find it a lot easier to just slip into the Shakespeare roles, and sometimes they begin to ad-lib, which we don't really encourage but it still shows the students vast understanding of Shakespeare.

Well thank you so much Carol, this has been extremely helpful i am so grateful.

- Not a problem Robyn, i am always happy to help!

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